Three Parcel Fabric Tricks that Will Save you Time

Here are a few brief time-saving tips when performing parcel map maintenance tasks within Esri's parcel fabric.  You can find all of our ArcGIS parcel mapping tips and tricks by signing up at  For more information about migrating your data to the parcel fabric please visit us at or call 877-377-8124.

1. Merge Courses tool when fixing erroneous vertices.

Merge courses is a tool that can be very helpful when eliminating those extra vertices for a parcel.  Instead of opening the construction dialog box for the parcel and struggling to copy, paste, delete lines with distances & bearings, simply merge courses on the parcel and see all of the extra bends disappear.


2. Planarize tool when constructing parcel lines

What does Planarize mean?  This tool will quickly insert vertices and split construction lines where they intersect.  It is particularly useful when performing tasks such as create parallel offset for drawing easements and road right-of-way.  Both of these tools are highlighted in the video here.


3. Fixing PLSS Sections and Quarter Sections

The fabric can get fairly cumbersome when adding PLSS layers including Sections, Quarter Sections, and Quarter Quarters.  For this reason it is important to keep clean data sets for these layers.  When you find gaps and slivers in these layers there are some helpful tools to quickly fix these on the fly.  Merge courses is again highlighted as one option to consider for this task as shown in this tutorial.

Want to learn more about migrating your data to the parcel fabric or other available applications from Esri that Cloudpoint Geographics can assist in implementing? Contact us at 877-377-8124 or visit

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