Cloudpoint contracts with North Park Public Water District


Cloudpoint is thrilled to announce our latest client: North Park Public Water District (NPPWD). While Cloudpoint has worked with innumerable clients and their water utilities, NPPWD is our third “water district” client.

“The North Park Public Water District is a public corporation chartered on May 9, 1955. The District currently serves a population of approximately 33,000 and serves over 12,000 households and businesses in the Machesney Park, Roscoe and Loves Park area...The source of water provided by the District is four wells drawing from sand and gravel aquifers. These wells are capable of producing over 20 million gallons per day...The district has storage capacity of 2.2 million gallons.”


“Grab the Trimble and strap your boots on Tyler, we got more work for you.” - Jon

“Grab the Trimble and strap your boots on Tyler, we got more work for you.” - Jon

Spanning the next four years, Cloudpoint’s focus will be collecting the location of specific assets in the field, and updating the district’s corresponding GIS layers. The main concern of the district, like most organizations with long serving employees, is the loss of institutional knowledge. Accurate GIS maps are paramount for preventative (and emergency) maintenance. Additionally, these updates will provide NPPWD with the framework for easier planning and expansion as the greater Machesney Park area continues to grow.

We look forward to getting out in the field this summer and starting this important project for NPPWD and ultimately their customers.

Does your water district need GIS help? View our Asset Management solutions at and submit a request, or call us at 877.377.8124, we are here to come up with answers to your toughest problems.