Cloudpoint Recognized as GISCI Endorsing Employer

Cloudpoint Geospatial is honored to announce that we have been recognized as a GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) Endorsing Employer, making us one of only FIVE organizations currently holding the designation. Cloudpoint is proud to have SIX GIS Professionals currently on our team, and looks forward to continuing to be a place that GIS Professionals are proud to be employed.

As job-seekers look to join organizations, I hope they will ask about the GISCI Endorsement. GISCI plays an important role in our industry and shows that a potential employer is serious about their employees’ professional growth and development. We are proud to be among this group.
— Erin Strickler, Director of Services

A bit about the designation:

The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) has created the GISCI Endorsing Employer Designation Program to help increase the value of GISP Certification for our primary stakeholders and to help facilitate the growth of the GISP Program within the geospatial community. The GISCI will grant the GISCI Endorsing Employer Designation to organizations that meet the criteria established by the GISCI as supportive of GIS Professionals and the GISP Certification process by way of internal activities, programs, and policies. The designation is not only a commitment to GISP Certification for staff but also to upholding the ideals of the GIS Certification Institute.

From its beginning, Cloudpoint has emphasized the importance of having GISPs on staff and has encouraged all eligible staff to obtain the certification. Having multiple GISPs on staff gives potential clients the confidence that Cloudpoint is capable of solving their problems with GIS. It is a natural extension of that to become a GISCI Endorsed Employer. We are grateful to all that GISCI has done and continues to do for our industry and are thankful to be endorsed by them.
— Jonathan Hodel, President