Cloudpoint providing campus-wide ADA Compliance Survey

When a college campus in Texas discovered that its campus infrastructure did not meet the current ADA accessibility requirements based on year of construction, they were required to remediate the non-compliant issues within a given time frame and provide proof to the Department of Justice that those items are in fact completed. Rather than attack this problem with a pen and clipboard approach, the college contracted with Cloudpoint to provide a campus wide ADA accessibility survey using GIS technology.

Cloudpoint was awarded a contract working under the direction of a licensed Texas architect, to provide a completed GIS inventory of accessible routes including sidewalks, curb ramps, and building entrance locations. The inventory will include precise measurements of widths, vertical displacements, and slopes for cross slopes, running slopes, and ramps to compile a report of non-compliant items. The final report provided to the college will include associated recommendations for repairing these sidewalk and ramp locations along with estimated costs.

Collecting sidewalk cross-slope with a digital level to measure ADA compliance and using ArcGIS tools for mobile GIS collection and reporting.

Collecting sidewalk cross-slope with a digital level to measure ADA compliance and using ArcGIS tools for mobile GIS collection and reporting.

Measuring hand rail height for ADA compliance, collecting information and photos, reporting the results of a campus-wide site assessment using GIS reports and dashboards.

Measuring hand rail height for ADA compliance, collecting information and photos, reporting the results of a campus-wide site assessment using GIS reports and dashboards.

As part of this project, the team plans to deliver a first-of-its-kind campus ADA compliance dashboard through the ArcGIS Operations Dashboards that will quantify the number of violations and give stakeholders clear access to results and yield improved data-driven decision-making capabilities.

GIS is the future of campus-wide or city-wide ADA monitoring and reporting tools for ADA compliance. Agencies should be focused on monitoring the status of their facilities and planning for future improvements with proposed plans rather than worrying about the existing problems and trying to hide them. Unfortunately we can’t hide from these problems so acknowledging them and planning for correction shows a proactive approach which will benefit everyone in the long run.

For more information about Cloudpoint’s campus-wide ADA site assessments or additional campus mapping services please contact us or call 877-377-8124.