On Wisconsin: WLIA 2022 Annual Conference Recap

It all started on a chilly Wednesday morning. Cloudpoint packed up the van and headed towards Elkhart Lake, WI and the WLIA 2022 Annual Conference. On the way, however, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to do some business. After a quick lunch, Hunter and Erin met with the public works department of the city of Zion IL to see how we can help their use of GIS.

From there, the last couple of hours into Wisconsin were met with excitement and anticipation (and a couple of wrong turns) for the conference ahead. Upon arriving at the beautiful Osthoff Resort, the team got to work unpacking and setting up the booth, then headed to “Carnival Night” to set-up our “On Wisconsin” pin game. There were many questions and suggestions for future uses of the board, such as darts- although we probably wouldn’t set up next to the bar for that! Attendees had two chances to get their pins on the board: as close as possible to 1) where they worked and 2) Elkhart Lake, WI, with no peeking of course. Much fun and only a few minor pin pricks were had by all.

Thursday, the team got up bright and early to attack the day. After breakfast, Bill headed to the booth to meet and chat with attendees about Cloudpoint’s superior GIS services and solutions. Erin, Hunter, and Matt were all busy prepping for their presentations later that day, and Jon was able to beat the snow in Illinois and made it to give his presentation on ArcGIS Indoors. After that, he stuck around to reconnect with old friends and work the booth. Matt lectured on Parcel Fabric, Hunter enthralled the crowd on Branch Versioning, and Erin schooled attendees on Address Labeling. Thursday evening concluded with the Exhibitor Reception and furious bidding on the silent auction items.

Closing out Friday, we started the morning in the vendor hall, and Erin had another(!) presentation, this time on managing address data for the Next Generation 9-1-1 system that is being implemented by states across the country. By lunch time, the team was able to pack up, say so-long to the wonderful Osthoff Resort, and hit the road.

It goes without saying, but we will say it anyway: it was so wonderful to see so many people in-person again and connect with those whom we had only ever seen on a screen or conversed through email. We hope to talk to you all very soon and here’s to next year!

Check out our homepage to see where Cloudpoint is going to be next!